I've been working along side realtor Erin Albregts with Keller Williams Realty, now, for a couple of weeks. She has sent me many of her newest listings and I am very grateful for the return business!
I am so thrilled that For Sale Photography is rockin' and rollin' in greater Lafayette Indiana, and I would love to be able to capture even more listings for our area's realtors. I know that being a realtor is very demanding, and you may not have the time and/or tools to take high-quality photos for your listings.
Let me take the hassle out of it for you by: coordinating a time for photos with your sellers, taking the photos with my professional equipment, and even post-processing each individual photo for color correction and lighting!
Not only will you feel a burden lift off of your shoulders, you'll probably notice more attention from potential buyers! Having eye-catching, high-quality photos for your listings is not only a key marketing point to attain more listings, but it also helps attract more online attention by standing out from the other listings out there. That means more potential buyers for you and your sellers!
Would you like more information on my real estate photography services or about the process? Let's talk! Contact me via email at brittany@forsalephotography.com or call/text me at (765) 652-1379.